
Thursday 16 December 2021



This is the last task I will post on 2021. I hope you all a merry christmas and a happy new year.

We are learning to speak clearly when sharing our learning. There were two parts to this task. The first part was to record our pepeha and make it into a QR code. The second part was to go on scratch and do our pepeha on there. The first pepeha was in the language that was from our culture. The second one was in maori.

Click here to see what Scratch is. You can watch a tutorial when you go on the create page.

The challenge I faced in the first part was that my pepeha in the language I speak was incorrect. When I went home I got it corrected by my mother.  The challenge in the second task was that I wasn't to good in maori. My teacher helped me correct it.

I really liked this task because people could learn more about me and get to know me better.

Wish you all the best. Stay safe. Have a great day.

Thursday 9 December 2021

My Feelings


The task was to write feelings we have felt before. This task was fun to do because it was a way of showing how I feel when I feel those feelings. While doing the task I learned that people express their feelings different for example when someone is angry they might cry or fight. Do you have troubles expressing your feelings.

Stay positive and have a great day.

Random Act Of Kindness


This was about kindness and what I could do to show kindness at school or at home. This task was easy and fun to do because we just had to list kind things that we could do. The things I wrote are the things I am going to do. Try making a list of kind things you could do.

Be kind and have a great day.

Tuesday 7 December 2021

My Quirks

The task was to write about your skills, goals and quirks so my teacher could get to know me better because Whaea Lorraine has just joined. I added some things that I like to the list because there was room on the paper. In the middle there is a Fijian pattern because I am from Fiji. 

Have a good day.



A little kindness goes a long way. The task was to make a storyboard about kindness. What I did was a kindness boomerang. The first person that helped is the one being helped at the end. 

CLICK HERE to see what I used to make my storyboard. Have a go at making your own storyboard.

Be Kind and Have a Great Day

Paper Plane Golf


Wednesday 1 December 2021

Paper Plane Dart Golf

How did you find the activity?

Good It was very easy because you just

had to make and throw the paper plane.

Which aspects/parts of the activity did you

find easy or difficult?

It was easy to throw the plane but difficult

to throw it far.

Describe any strategies you used during the


I tried to aim high

What changes would you make to

your plane dart for the next round of golf?

I would make a new plane from YouTube

that is predicted to go fast.

Predict how the new plane dart modifications

will affect your next lot of attempts?

It might go further than my old paper plane.

Tuesday 30 November 2021

Environmental Issues

We are learning to recognise the importance of noticing others and the benefits of being kind. Whaea Lorraine asked us to do some research about the book we read called Tu Meke Tuatara. 

Click here to watch Tu Meke Tuatara being read to you. 

We had to pair up and work together. This was a challenge for me because I had become used to working alone since being in lockdown. My partner was learning from home so communication was bit of a challenge. We overcame it by talking and texting on email, google meet and speaker notes on the slide show

Our focus was on Pepe the penguin who got stuck in plastic.

Tuesday 9 November 2021

Open Gates


Brave Flower


This is my reading task and the name of the book is Brave Flower and it is written by Simone Kaho. My thoughts on the dawn raids are about how people were being treated. It was a really hard time for brown people. 

Friday 24 September 2021

Little Miss Set Sail

 Little Miss Set Sail

“Here’s your map and compass and don’t forget, be… safe… Love you!” said Ava’s mum Emma. Ava was about to set sail for the very first time. Her mum packed her navigation things,food and water in one bag.The other bag had clothes and sleeping bags. She was going with Captain Krook. He’s a nice guy. They are going on a ship to New Zealand.

As they said their goodbyes went off Into the open sea a terrible storm approached.” Oh no, what are we going to do.” said Ava frightendly.”Don't worry Ava, I have come across these types of storms many times.” replied Captain Krook. The storm got bigger and bigger. Then suddenly out of nowhere… A huge title wave was coming in their direction. The ship flipped.

Luckily they had a smaller rowing boat. Captain Krook was about to untie the boat from the when Ava said “Don’t do that. The wave hasn’t left yet. If we take out the boat it will flip over too.” They waited until the wave went away. Finally Captain Krook untied the boat they put on life vests and rowed all the way. They took turns rowing.

They used the map to locate where they were. Used the compass to find north. They were on the right track. Finally they saw land and rowed to it. They got off the boat and heard the birds chirp. When they reached the land they saw… Captain Krook brother Captain Kook. “ Hello brother, welcome to New Zealand.” After they spent some time there it was time to leave. “Goodbye brother and come again soon.”


Angle DLO


Thursday 16 September 2021

Narrative Writing


Day In The Clouds

In a land where magic lives there is a girl named Maria. Maria is a shy person so that means she doesn't go out that much. When she does go out she goes to her secret place in the clouds. Not a lot of people go there because they have nothing to do there but for Maria it is a place full of imagination and to relax. 

One day the normal white clouds all turned purple and pinkish. “ What happened to the clouds?” said a villager. The villagers walked up the path to the clouds and found… nothing. When they looped around to go back a glass wall was blocking them.”Let us out!” the villagers shouted and cried. “Why did you trap us here?” someone said. 

Just then the evil witch appeared.”Hahahahaha, looks like you need help?’ said the Witch. “Well you all are going to be trapped there forever.” Maria wasn’t trapped though because she did come because was too scared to go with other people. ”Now I will take all the magic for myself, hahahahaha.” Said the Witch. “What am I going to do?” Maria said to herself. 

“I know I will teleportal ray.” said Maria I will also get the shrink ray so I can shrink the witch and put her in the glass dome. Meanwhile in the clouds the villagers all got on one side and pushed the glass wall. “It’s working,” said the villager.” Keep it up”. The glass fell and hit the witch on the head. When Maria heard the sounds she went outside with the shrink ray and srinked the witch.

The villagers cheered.” YAAY!!! Woohoo hip hip hooray!!” The villagers put the mini witch in a glass dome and put her in the town square collection shop. As for the clouds it was a sight to see.

Stick Chart


Thursday 26 August 2021

Should Bullies Be Kicked Out Of Schools?

 Should bullies be kicked out of schools?

Did you ever get bullied? People often get bullied throughout school. So should they be kicked out of school because of that or should they be put in a program that teaches them not to bully. Or maybe they should be suspended right? In my opinion I think they should be put in a program or they should be suspended.

I think kicking them out of school isn’t a good option. They also need to learn and study so they can get a good job in the future. It also doesn't mean they will stop bullying. They might go to a different school and be bullies there. So kicking them out is not a good idea. Instead they should go in a program right?

Putting them in a program that teaches them not to bully sounds like a good idea because some schools send bad kids to camp. But sometimes people don’t listen or change no matter how hard you try. Sometimes people do change so I think it is a good idea. Maybe suspending them will help?

Suspending them sounds like a good idea because some schools are strict and in my opinion I think it is. Plus kids aren't expelled often. The bully will have time alone and they will not be able to hurt anyone. If they have strict parents then maybe they will be grounded or be punished. So what is the best way to stop a bully?

In conclusion, kicking them out isn’t a good idea. Putting them in a program or sending them to a camp or something like that may work. Suspension also sounds like a good idea. What do you think? What is the best option? Do you think bullies should be kicked out of school or not?

Thank You


Friday 20 August 2021

Pacman Animation


Persuasive Writing

 Which Season Is The Best?

Which season do you think is the best? In my opinion I think summer is the best season because of multiple reasons. What do you think is summer the best season or not? In summer crops grow best and the days are longer, best of all more ice creams or popsicles.

My first reason is crops grow better in summer but it’s not all crops. Summer is also called the growing season because people grow crops mostly in summer. The best crops to grow in summer are cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, berries and many more like them.

My second reason is that summer has long days because the sun rises earlier and sets later at night. For kids summer holidays are really fun because school is out and they can have fun  and play games. You can go to the beach and have fun. Go on a vacation or just play outside and have tons of fun.

My third and final reason is cold delicious ice cream or popsicles. First of all, they're really tasty and so good for hot summer days. It is also a fun little snack for kids to eat while they play.

In conclusion I think summer is the best season because crops grow better in summer. Summer has long days for more fun. Cold delicious ice cream for hot days. So what's your opinion on summer being the best season? 

Friday 6 August 2021

Fiji Olympic Report



Have you heard of the olympics? It is something that people from different countries participate in. There are many countries that are participating in the olympics. Fiji and New Zealand are two countries that are participating. 


Fiji is an island that is participating in the olympics. The island is made up of over 300 islands. Fiji’s main islands are Viti Levu and Vanua Levu. The capital city of Fiji is Suva. Its population is over 800,000. Fiji is a beautiful pacific island. The traditional drink is Kava. It has a lot of indian because over 50 years ago they were forced to go from India to fiji. The two main cities in Fiji are Suva and Lautoka.

Fiji's Apperance

Fiji’s first appearance in the olympics was in Melbourne 1956. Fiji got their first gold medal in 2016 at Rio against Great Britain. Fiji has competed in fourteen summer games and three winter games at the olympics.

Fiji 2021

It is in 40s place in the olympics leaderboard tied with Belarus, Estonia and Uzbekistan. On 28th July 2021 Fiji played against New Zealand in rugby sevens and won a gold medal in Tokyo Japan. 

In conclusion Fiji has been a great country participating in olympics since 1956. People should visit or watch Fiji play in the olympics. 

Friday 30 July 2021




Have you ever heard of the Olympics? The Olympics is a series of events where people from all around the world compete. This year is 2021 and the host of the 2021 Olympics is Japan because Tokyo is in Japan and the Olympics are happening in Tokyo.


Tennis is part of the olympics. It is one of the games that people play in the olympics. There are men and women singles and doubles. There is also a mixed double which includes one man and one woman. Over 206 countries are playing in the game in 2021. Tennis is played with one ball and a racquet which the players hit the ball with. There is a net in the middle and the ball has to bounce once in a square then the player must hit it to the other player. To win the game a player or team has to score 4 points or more.

Tennis has been a game in the olympics since 1896 in the first summer, when the first modern olympic game started but then it was taken out of the olympics because after the Paris 1924 Games. Tennis was in the Olympics again after 64 years when Miloslav Mecir and Steffi Graf won a gold medal in the two singles tournaments at Seoul 1988.

New Zealand Playing Tennis

New Zealand plays tennis and is competing in the olympics. Marcus Daniell and Michael Venus are playing in the men's double for New Zealand. New Zealand hasn’t won any medals in tennis yet but they could.

The history of Olympics

There are ancient Olympics and modern Olympics. The ancient Olympics started in 776 BC. They did this to honor their god Zues and it started in a town called olympia in Greece. When it first started there was only one sport and lasted one day but more sports got added and it lasted for five days. The ancient Olympics were good but didn’t last because it ended in 393 AD. It took 1503 years for the Olympics to return but it got a new name: the modern olympics. The modern Olympics are still here to this day. There are more people playing. More people are enjoying themselves and the Olympics is now a worldwide thing that everyone knows of.

                                                                                                                By Neha

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Animal Tracking

On Tuesday my group and I made a tracking device to see what animals live at the back of our school. It was made out of paper and was taped and stapled together. We got a ice cream lid and put food and water to make the substance. After that we put peanut butter on it to attract the animal. We left it outside overnight to see if we can get footprints but the only thing we saw was ants.

Monday 15 March 2021

Bird Survey


Bird Survey

Invasive species can come in pretty guises. Take mynas Myna is one of the birds we saw at 1:45 pm at Edmund Hillary School Papakura. We saw it on a tree nearby. It was looking around and then flew of. Magpie is the other bird we saw flying around in the sky. It sat down on a tree and then flew  away so far that we lost track of it. We also saw many seagulls walking around.

Man arrested for biting seagull after it tried to steal Big Mac

The last bird we saw was sparrows. We saw plenty of them.Australian magpie | New Zealand Birds OnlineWe also saw 4 people walking around the school and going places.How to Spare Yourself from Sparrow Troubles - Bird B Gone, Inc.

Friday 12 March 2021

Narrtive Writing

                                                  The Kiwi Tuatara and Lion

In the big jungle lived a bunch of animals. Two best friends Kiwi and Tuatara went to the deep dark wood where no creature wants to go. There is a sleeping lion who lives there but the legendary KFC tree is on the other side.  They were scared but they still went on the trail in the deep dark wood.

They reach the lion's cave “ssssssssssss I don’t think you should be here go back and return to your home” said the snake. Kiwi replied “ I think we can make it so don’t worry about us.” “ Don’t say I didn’t warn you” said the snake and off he slid to he’s underground house. They were in the middle of the lion’s cave.

The snoring got louder and louder. Suddenly two small eyes and a mouth showed up in the darkness. Tuatara got scared. A little black cat appeared out of the darkness. It was the lion's cub. “ Hi, we don’t get many visitors here” said the cub. “Oh no my father is awake!” “Run!” said Tuatara. The lion chased after the Kiwi and Tuatara. 

The cub tried to stop her father but he wouldn’t. There was a big hole and a vine on top. Kiwi, Tuatara and the cub grabbed the vine and swinged over the hole. The lion fell inside the hole and got stuck. The cub was free from her father. They reached the KFC tree and had the best time of their lives. As for the lion because of starvation he died in that hole.


Friday 5 March 2021




Finally The Waka arrived at some land which was not on the world map. The maori started calling this land Aotearoa and made it home for themselves. 500 years later Captain Cook found Aotearoa and put it on the world map. The maori people didn’t want Aotearoa to be on the world map.

The British came to Aotearoa and decided that they were going to change the name to New Zealand.The maori tribes started coming together and becoming an ultimate team. They fighted the british until they came up with an idea but they first had to stop fighting. The british kept attacking. It was close to impossible getting maori and british to stop fighting. Three people from the maori tribe including the leader Chief Ben Wooper made a giant sign saying STOP FIGHTING.

The british leader Captain Roya Ria came and stood in front of Chief Ben. They both decided that they will sign a treaty saying British shall henceforth be known as New Zealand. New Zealand and Maori shall never attack each other again. The people rejoiced and british was now New Zealand.


How to do Subtraction With Decimals


Friday 5 February 2021

Wednesday 3 February 2021

My Learning Goals


These is my learning goals for 2021. I hope that I can reach them by the end of the year.