
Tuesday 7 January 2020

SLJ: Day 2 Week4 - Activity 1 / MUSOS


  1. Hey Nehan,

    These are some great songs and I love how you came up with so many. Was it hard to pick your favourite?

    I especially like 'Riding shotgun' and 'What a beautiful name it is'. I like George Ezra's voice and we use a lot of Hillsong at my church. I've heard most of your favourites too except for the last one. I think I've got 'Beautiful name' stuck in my head now, which I don't really mind. :) Keep up the great posting Nehan, you're doing so well.

    See you in the comments.
    Daniel :)

  2. Hey Nehan and Happy New Year!

    I hope your holidays are going well and you’re having lots of fun. I see you haven't posted on your blog in a wee while. There’s still plenty of time left to do what you can and get more points and get those cool prizes that are up for grabs.

    Remember that you can go back or skip ahead to do the tasks in any order you like so you can always start with the most interesting ones first.

    Hope to see you in the comments soon.

    Daniel :D

  3. Kiora Neha,

    Well done on completing a number of activities in the summer learning journey programme. I am looking forward to seeing you next week at school and having a chat with you regarding the activities you did. Well done.


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Positive - Something done well
Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
Helpful - Give some ideas for next time or ask a question you want to know more about