
Thursday 19 December 2019

SLJ: Day 4 / Activity 1 - Making a Racket

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nehan,

    I’m Daniel, one of the blog commenters for the Kootuitui schools in Papakura. I’m really excited to see your posts this week and over the summer and look forward to commenting on your awesome posts.

    Your poster is very informative and I love the colour you've used in your slideshow. The pictures are really cool too especially the one where she is playing and the ones that show her with trophies. Keep up the great posts and feel free to skip ahead (or back) and do any of the tasks in any order.

    (Quick side note, please try to attribute your images by adding a link or writing where you got any pictures you grab off the internet. For an example, have a look at how the SLJ team have done this around each image on the activities page. This won't cost you points, but it is really good internet practice for the future.)

    See you in the comments.

    Daniel :)


Please structure your comments as follows:
Positive - Something done well
Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
Helpful - Give some ideas for next time or ask a question you want to know more about