
Thursday 28 May 2020

Rhyming Poem On Wellness

Wellness Rhyming poem

Germs germs everywhere
They can get you anytime and anywhere
I need to keep safe and keep clean
I ate some beans
I washed my hands and went outside
I went on the side
To get my bike
It reminded me of my trike
It was dirty
So I left and I saw a birdy
I went inside
To the side
Washed my hands

Went to bed and dreamed of flying over the Islands

Wednesday 20 May 2020

My lockdown Recount

My life in lockdown

On 27th March Prime Minister Jacinder Ardern said
“We are in lockdown”. When the lockdown started I
started planning like a construction worker on what to
do. I thought and said to myself “For the first day in lockdown
I was going to make a fort with blankets and pillows. I
started running like a cheetah grabbing every pillow and
blanket I could find.

After I finished building my fort I told my teddies to guard the
fort like guards , soldiers and knights. Inside the fort I put chips
, my chromebook , my tablet , coke and the tv remote. The next
day was super duper exciting because me and my mum we're
going to make cake just for fun. First we added and mixed flour
, 3 eggs , milk , sugar and butter. After that we put it in a pan and
put the pan in the oven for 55 minutes. When it was ready I put icing
on the cake and it was as delicious as candy.

The week after that my cousin and his dad came to our house
because my dad was fixing the roof. While our dad was working
on the roof, my cousin destroyed my fort. I got so angry like a bull
and me and my cousin had to have time out. After having time out
we started playing on our ipads and got alone. On Sunday it was Easter
and I was so excited I started jumping like a kangaroo. My mum told me
she made an Easter egg hunt for me and I had to find chocolate eggs.

I went to get ready for Easter and went in the backyard to
start finding the eggs. I searched the whole backyard for the
eggs like a Tiger searching for food. I found all the eggs. When I
got inside I started eating all the eggs. The week after that I was so lazy
I got on the couch and I got a pillow , a blanket , some cake , coke and
the tv remote. For a few weeks I started getting really lazy.

When I checked the calendar I saw on Sunday it was going to be
Mother's Day. I started making a card for my mum. For Mother's
Day near my mum cake again and spending time together. The
next day I watched the news with my dad and I heard that school
was going to open again. After a few days I started getting ready
for school. I hope we go in lockdown again but something I don’t
want to go in lockdown again.