
Friday 24 September 2021

Little Miss Set Sail

 Little Miss Set Sail

“Here’s your map and compass and don’t forget, be… safe… Love you!” said Ava’s mum Emma. Ava was about to set sail for the very first time. Her mum packed her navigation things,food and water in one bag.The other bag had clothes and sleeping bags. She was going with Captain Krook. He’s a nice guy. They are going on a ship to New Zealand.

As they said their goodbyes went off Into the open sea a terrible storm approached.” Oh no, what are we going to do.” said Ava frightendly.”Don't worry Ava, I have come across these types of storms many times.” replied Captain Krook. The storm got bigger and bigger. Then suddenly out of nowhere… A huge title wave was coming in their direction. The ship flipped.

Luckily they had a smaller rowing boat. Captain Krook was about to untie the boat from the when Ava said “Don’t do that. The wave hasn’t left yet. If we take out the boat it will flip over too.” They waited until the wave went away. Finally Captain Krook untied the boat they put on life vests and rowed all the way. They took turns rowing.

They used the map to locate where they were. Used the compass to find north. They were on the right track. Finally they saw land and rowed to it. They got off the boat and heard the birds chirp. When they reached the land they saw… Captain Krook brother Captain Kook. “ Hello brother, welcome to New Zealand.” After they spent some time there it was time to leave. “Goodbye brother and come again soon.”


Angle DLO


Thursday 16 September 2021

Narrative Writing


Day In The Clouds

In a land where magic lives there is a girl named Maria. Maria is a shy person so that means she doesn't go out that much. When she does go out she goes to her secret place in the clouds. Not a lot of people go there because they have nothing to do there but for Maria it is a place full of imagination and to relax. 

One day the normal white clouds all turned purple and pinkish. “ What happened to the clouds?” said a villager. The villagers walked up the path to the clouds and found… nothing. When they looped around to go back a glass wall was blocking them.”Let us out!” the villagers shouted and cried. “Why did you trap us here?” someone said. 

Just then the evil witch appeared.”Hahahahaha, looks like you need help?’ said the Witch. “Well you all are going to be trapped there forever.” Maria wasn’t trapped though because she did come because was too scared to go with other people. ”Now I will take all the magic for myself, hahahahaha.” Said the Witch. “What am I going to do?” Maria said to herself. 

“I know I will teleportal ray.” said Maria I will also get the shrink ray so I can shrink the witch and put her in the glass dome. Meanwhile in the clouds the villagers all got on one side and pushed the glass wall. “It’s working,” said the villager.” Keep it up”. The glass fell and hit the witch on the head. When Maria heard the sounds she went outside with the shrink ray and srinked the witch.

The villagers cheered.” YAAY!!! Woohoo hip hip hooray!!” The villagers put the mini witch in a glass dome and put her in the town square collection shop. As for the clouds it was a sight to see.

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