
Wednesday 24 March 2021

Animal Tracking

On Tuesday my group and I made a tracking device to see what animals live at the back of our school. It was made out of paper and was taped and stapled together. We got a ice cream lid and put food and water to make the substance. After that we put peanut butter on it to attract the animal. We left it outside overnight to see if we can get footprints but the only thing we saw was ants.

Monday 15 March 2021

Bird Survey


Bird Survey

Invasive species can come in pretty guises. Take mynas Myna is one of the birds we saw at 1:45 pm at Edmund Hillary School Papakura. We saw it on a tree nearby. It was looking around and then flew of. Magpie is the other bird we saw flying around in the sky. It sat down on a tree and then flew  away so far that we lost track of it. We also saw many seagulls walking around.

Man arrested for biting seagull after it tried to steal Big Mac

The last bird we saw was sparrows. We saw plenty of them.Australian magpie | New Zealand Birds OnlineWe also saw 4 people walking around the school and going places.How to Spare Yourself from Sparrow Troubles - Bird B Gone, Inc.

Friday 12 March 2021

Narrtive Writing

                                                  The Kiwi Tuatara and Lion

In the big jungle lived a bunch of animals. Two best friends Kiwi and Tuatara went to the deep dark wood where no creature wants to go. There is a sleeping lion who lives there but the legendary KFC tree is on the other side.  They were scared but they still went on the trail in the deep dark wood.

They reach the lion's cave “ssssssssssss I don’t think you should be here go back and return to your home” said the snake. Kiwi replied “ I think we can make it so don’t worry about us.” “ Don’t say I didn’t warn you” said the snake and off he slid to he’s underground house. They were in the middle of the lion’s cave.

The snoring got louder and louder. Suddenly two small eyes and a mouth showed up in the darkness. Tuatara got scared. A little black cat appeared out of the darkness. It was the lion's cub. “ Hi, we don’t get many visitors here” said the cub. “Oh no my father is awake!” “Run!” said Tuatara. The lion chased after the Kiwi and Tuatara. 

The cub tried to stop her father but he wouldn’t. There was a big hole and a vine on top. Kiwi, Tuatara and the cub grabbed the vine and swinged over the hole. The lion fell inside the hole and got stuck. The cub was free from her father. They reached the KFC tree and had the best time of their lives. As for the lion because of starvation he died in that hole.


Friday 5 March 2021




Finally The Waka arrived at some land which was not on the world map. The maori started calling this land Aotearoa and made it home for themselves. 500 years later Captain Cook found Aotearoa and put it on the world map. The maori people didn’t want Aotearoa to be on the world map.

The British came to Aotearoa and decided that they were going to change the name to New Zealand.The maori tribes started coming together and becoming an ultimate team. They fighted the british until they came up with an idea but they first had to stop fighting. The british kept attacking. It was close to impossible getting maori and british to stop fighting. Three people from the maori tribe including the leader Chief Ben Wooper made a giant sign saying STOP FIGHTING.

The british leader Captain Roya Ria came and stood in front of Chief Ben. They both decided that they will sign a treaty saying British shall henceforth be known as New Zealand. New Zealand and Maori shall never attack each other again. The people rejoiced and british was now New Zealand.


How to do Subtraction With Decimals